KOK 2024-2025 School Year Registration

Kids of the Kingdom, Inc. is a non-denominational Christian religious education program offered during voluntary religion release time to students in first through fifth grades from Fifth and Tenth Street Schools. Teachers are members of various churches in the Jasper area and must pass a Limited Criminal Background Check by the State of Indiana. They use Bible stories, Scripture, and life application lessons to help students understand God's love. Your child will be taught through words and actions the love of Christ and will learn how to have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Kids of the Kingdom is not a replacement for a local church but will supplement your church and family’s spiritual training. Your child will receive an overview of the Bible and its major stories and themes.
Kids of the Kingdom is entirely funded by local donations. All financial donations are tax deductible and may be mailed to Kids of the Kingdom, Inc. at P.O. Box 266, Jasper, IN. 47547. Parents may volunteer to assist in the classroom after passing a Criminal Background Check.
Kids of the Kingdom is a ministry to the Jasper and Ireland Elementary students providing one hour of instruction per week from the Bible.  During the school year children will learn the big stories of the Bible, discover how to study their Bible and they will be introduced to Jesus Christ and the good news of salvation through faith in Him.  Each one of our teachers and helpers love Jesus and love children and are committed to investing in the spiritual life of each and every student.  

There is no charge for this program, but we would ask that you consider a $25 donation to help support this program.  The cost per student is approximately $45 and most of this cost is covered by churches and individuals who donate to this ministry.  We would greatly appreciate your financial partnership.

Looking forward to another amazing school year with your child.

David King, President
Kids of the Kingdom
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.

Kids of the Kingdom Rules:

·        Show respect to everyone and their property.

·        Raise your hand if you would like to talk.

·        Listen when someone else is talking; don't interrupt.

·        Walk and be quiet when we are walking to and from the classroom.

·        No food, candy, or toys in class. The teacher will keep them until after class.

·        No hitting, kicking, spitting or rough physical conduct with any other person.

Discipline for Broken Rules in Kids of the Kingdom

·       1st Offense---Warning

·       2nd Offense---Warning

·       3rd Offense---Teacher consults with classroom teacher, Kids of the Kingdom coordinator, and a letter explaining the discipline problem is sent home for parent's signature. The student may return to Kids of the Kingdom when the signed letter is returned.

·        If a student continues to break rules during Kids of the Kingdom, the coordinator will contact the parents to discuss discipline problems and seek suggestions for better behavior. Further broken rules will result in the student being removed from Kids of the Kingdom for a period of time agreed upon by the Kids of the Kingdom teachers, coordinator, and classroom teacher.

·       A student will be removed from Kids of the Kingdom immediately and for at least two weeks for hitting, kicking, spitting or rough physical contact with any other person.

**On days when the weather makes walking to KOK building difficult your child may be transported to the Nararene church as part of the KOK program.

***Kids of the Kingdom may use photos of activities in the classroom to promote KOK and let others know about the program. Images will not include the names of children.



Kids of the Kingdom, Inc. is a non-denominational Christian religious education program offered during voluntary religion release time to students in first through fifth grades from Fifth and Tenth Street Schools. Teachers are members of various churches in the Jasper area and must pass a Limited Criminal Background Check by the State of Indiana. They use Bible stories, Scripture, and life application lessons to help students understand God's love. Your child will be taught through words and actions the love of Christ and will learn how to have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Kids of the Kingdom is not a replacement for a local church but will supplement your church and family’s spiritual training. Your child will receive an overview of the Bible and its major stories and themes.
Kids of the Kingdom is entirely funded by local donations. All financial donations are tax deductible and may be mailed to Kids of the Kingdom, Inc. at P.O. Box 266, Jasper, IN. 47547. Parents may volunteer to assist in the classroom after passing a Criminal Background Check.